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Tanka marked with an asterisk have been first published in German in the on-line Tanka Journal "Einunddreissig"  http://www.einunddreissig.net/ The edition is indicated under the English translation.


I walk with speed
through autumn-gold
to make sound
the leaves' music
in childlike play

I observe a long time
beyond the city's roofs
the lake's radiance 
when has lessened
my love for this place

Húmence lómi -
cé ahyaner marillannar
lá netyanelte
aurenya alassenen
an cólo míre taite


Sleepless nights -
if they changed to pearls
they would not adorn
my day with joy
a burden more such a jewel *

February 2014 (This Tanka has been the object of an interesting introduction by Tony Böhle, owner of "Einunddreissig")


Valuable jewels
a woman's best friends --
in the wet grass
I praise mine and
fleeting perfection *

 November 2013

ve olwennen istarwa 
picina asto -
síra ece nin save
nalme elenermava

Sparkling by a ray of sunlight
like by a wizard's wand 
a little dust -
today I may believe
we are of star-matter *

August 2013

Vantean rosses
felyean antanyassë
limbaron miqui,
sírala indonyanna
ve lótë faucanna

Walking in the rain
I'm feeling on my face
the drops' kisses,
flowing to my mood
like to a thirsty flower *

Mai 2013

I nordor tárar
et lumbotelumello
ve tulce sundar
nute menel cemenna
hloita indo lumbenen

The oaks are standing
out of the cloud-canopy
like immovable roots
to tie heaven to earth
to poison mood with gloom *

Mai 2013

Tuimar, à cena
quélala lassi nu nén
nelleo tinda,
nécé ausar aurion
i váner - i tuluvar


Buds, behold -
the withering leaves under water
of the sparkling brook,
pale phantoms of days
those that went - those to come *

Bourgeons, contemplez 
les feuilles flétrissant sous l'eau
du ruisseau miroitant,
phantoms pâles de jours
passés -  à venir

Mai 2013

Tuileo lindi -
ter i aure lamyea
aiweo "kwi kwi"
sámanyas nallamyeas
"é, mana qui, mana qui..."

*This tanka makes only sense in Quenya or in any language in which a sound that resembles "kwi" means "if".

Ce tanka ne garde son sens évidemment que dans une langue qui possède un mot pour "si" qui sonne comme "kwi".

Spring tunes -
through the day sounds
*a bird's "kwi kwi"
in my mind it sounds back
"indeed, what is if, what is if...."

Chant de printemps -
toute la journée résonne
* le "kwi kwi" d'un oiseau
dans ma tête sonne l'écho
en effet, qu'est-ce-qui se passe si....


Erinqua tanwa

mi ninquisse ú pelo

néca pampile

i métima lasseo

nixeraina olwasse

tanwa: PE17:186,206 has tanna and ?tanwa, I prefer tanwa to avoid confusion with tanna "tither"
pelo : PE17:65,90,204 border, ú pelo "without border"
nixeraina : nixe "frost", raina "nettled, enlaced" VT42:11 (C.E. base RAY- VT42:12). However, _raina_ is also an adj. "smiling, gracious" in PE17:182, stem RAYA-
pampile: trembling, verbal noun, QL:72 (PAPA)

The only sign

in the borderless whiteness

a faint trembling

of the last leaf

on a frost-enlaced branch

L'unique signe
dans la blancheur sans limite
le faible tremblement
d'une dernière feuille
sur une branche enlacée de givre


Aiqua ambanna
lumbë talunyat hilyar
hellevie mittali
nu nienaiti lumbor


Upon the steep slope
my weary feet follow
the Heartseases,
skylike pieces
under tearful clouds

Sur la pente raide
mes pieds fatigués suivent
les violette
comme des bouts de ciel
sous de nuages larmoyants


In orocelmar
nar coirëa quentasta
yárë curwion -
pelehtainë minn'ondor
verië ar yórenen

The mountain channels
are living History
of ancient skills -
hewn into rocks
with boldness and blood

Les canaux de montagne
sont de l'histoire vivante
d'un savoir-faire ancien -
taillé dans le roc
avec audace et sang

Mi lauca víle

Vile i silma fine

Enwina nisso -

Vinya liante lelya


In the warm breeze

Flies the silver shining hair

Of an old woman -

A young spider travels

On a autumn morning!

Lasselanta en
mal hríve úva véna
hlarin hlusseya
yá lóri aunorir as
norolinde *nyarrinci

*nyarrince means of course "little rat", _nyarro_ NYAD- from the Etymologies with the diminutive suffixe _-ince_. There is no Quenya word for "mouse". The meaning of the stem is "gnaw".

The Gnomish Lexicon (PE11:60) has the words _nig_ and _nigla_ for mouse that come from the word to thieve, pilfer _nigla-_.

In Qenya, steal is _naqa-_. 

Autumn still
but winter is drawing near to us
I hear his whisper
when dreams run away with
lightly tripping mice