
*Vaina malina vaimasse
Hamnes *angamalleo rénasse.
*Suilierya et nandallo,
Careryo titta rincanen
Né hwestaina ceniello
I *tungwa nórimanen.

Annarya raina né úcenina,
An i *mótalendo ná túrina
*Henet mintenen máryatse
Yasse ter i *ambarya opele,
Aurelvaron ohtar  ranya
*Morcor ar *mundor roita.

Clad in a yellow robe,
It sat beside the iron-road.
It's greeting from the mead,
That brief nod of the head,
Was swept out of the view
By the train rushing through.

Its gracious gift was vain,
For the commuter is under the reign
Of that little window in his hands
Where through the global village strays
The warrior of our days
For bears and bulls to hunt.



cancale-malina: kankale-malina: daffodil, 'yellow laughter' QL:44
vaina : clad adj. in LT1:272, however in PE17:154,208, this word has become "blonde, fair of hair" under the stem GWAY. 

angamalle :
compound of anga = iron and malle = road > ironroad for railway
suilie : greeting from Sindarin suilad
tungwa : stem tuc- = draw plus the ending -ma which refers to a thing having to do with the root meaning, hence "the draw-thing". But since KM became NGW = tungwa
mótalendo : compound of móta = labour, toil and the stem led- plus -do agental suffixe, hece lit. the work-traveler for commuter
henet: window from Sindarin henneth, here
used in the sense of "Windows" on the computer
ambarya opele : ambarya adj. of ambar = of the world and opele village for the global village
morcor, mundor : bears and bulls - here used as the stock exchange expression