

 Telperķna lumboinen ar lossė colla almelyassė

ya enquatė nellelyar nennen helca 

lśmessė sé talulyat i narassi cuivear.

I anna tuileo.


Śrin vista nu luinė fanyarė,

mal nu lairė aldalyar ar harė lincelussė 

merin ranya ar  hautė.

I alassė lairėo. 


Rato lśmė lanyuva len exa vaima.

Lauriė ar carni lassi hwinyuvar or palśre.

Tķruvan  aiwi ahosta wiliė lauci hrestannar.

I linquilea lasselanta.


I lómi nar andė ar isilmessė cenin le asilė. 

I olvar caitėar lornė ar  varnė lossenen.

Quildė tura tumballor aicassennar.

I séreva hrķvė.


É Oronti melin rimbė nķvelyar !

A Year


Silvercrowned with heavy clouds and a snowwhite coat on your shoulders

Which fills your brooks with icy water

While at your feet the pastures awake

The Spring’s gift.


Blazing hot air under blue sky

But under your shady trees and near many springs

I love to wander and rest.

The Summer’s joy.


 Soon time will weave you another robe.

Golden and red leaves will swirl over the bosom of earth

I shall watch birds gather to fly to warm shores.

The colourful automne


The nights are long and in the moonlight I see you glitter.

The plants lie slumbering and protected under the snow.

Silence reigns from deep valleys to mountaintops.

The peaceful winter.


Mountains, I love your many faces indeed.