I luine lúme (Tritina) | |||
for fawn = arasse plus diminutive suffix -ince, there is no word for fawn in Quenya The Qenya Lexicon has _opole_ fawn, young deer or _opolinte_
Oron pella oronye i luine lúme. Morna, orna, tarne i taure nísima. Rímaryasse ninqui lóteli ilcaner.
Arassince* ranne ter i senda lúme Tussanna netya mi calasse nísima.
Tenna Lómitáriva míri ilcaner Ar morie tompe i lúcea lúme.
Ar i lóti i ilcaner. |
by word translation) Beyond the mountain rose the blue hour. Dark , tall, stood the fragrant wood. On its edge white flowers gleamed.
A fawn wandered through the peaceful hour Towards a dainty bush in fragrant brightness.
Until the Queen of the Night’s jewels gleamed And darkness covered the enchanting hour.
And the flowers that gleamed.